Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Pushing Geographical Boundaries With AVAYA Telephone Systems

There is one word that is always on the minds of business owners, investors and shareholders alike ? growth. It is not enough for a business to be profitable, those profits must also grow from one financial quarter to the next, and there are precious few ways to achieve such constant growth. When a business is just starting out, the easiest way to achieve profit growth is to increase efficiency and cut costs wherever possible. Once that has been done to the fullest extent possible, however, expansion is the only option left. Once a business starts to expand, maintaining efficient communications becomes a priority, and that is where AVAYA telephone systems come in. With a system like the AVAYA IP Office system installed in your offices, your business will never experience breakdowns in communication. The turn of the millennium has been said to have heralded the true dawn of the information age, with the internet having become a staple in almost every household, even in those countries classified as developing countries. With the internet came the advent of electronic mail, which has largely usurped the place traditionally occupied by regular postal services. Even though these days e-mails are delivered to recipients almost instantly, the fact that recipients may not immediately check their inboxes has meant that telephones still retain their importance in the workplace. There is simply no way to trump the convenience of being able to pick up a telephone and immediately speak to the person on the other end. While installing and maintaining an office telephone system in a single office is a relatively straightforward affair, installing a system that is able to provide effective communications between offices in different locations is much more of a challenge. Most office telephone systems are not up to this task, and are not able to support multiple offices in different geographical locations. There is a definite advantage to having an office telephone system capable of this, however, as a single system is much easier to co-ordinate and there will not be any danger of incompatibility between systems in different offices or a breakdown in the integration of the separate systems in different offices. If, for example, a customer calls one office and needs to be redirected to someone in a different office, you would hardly want to tell that customer to hang up and call a different number. Instead, a good customer service experience would be for the customer to be put on hold for a minimal amount of time while their call was simply transferred to the appropriate line in that other office. This is only possible with the right office telephone system in place. So if your business is looking to expand and you need a method of keeping effective lines of communication open between offices in different geographical locations, then you should definitely have a look at the available AVAYA telephone systems. Systems such as the AVAYA IP Office telephone system would suit your needs perfectly and ensure that your business will never be plagued by the problem of poor communications.

Tags: phone system, Good Customer Service, Postal Services

Source: http://www.212articles.com/pushing-geographical-boundaries-with-avaya-telephone-systems/

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