Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Electronic Evidence Discovery May Shift To The Mobile Computer ...

Because the computing world advances and especially because the world of the wireless computing advances, there are certainly going to be instances in which the services of a mobile computer specialist will be required.

The mobile arena now includes hand-held devices with comprehensive capability, in fact there are many more wireless units than desktops.The reasons of today`s wireless units for example iPods, iPads, Smartphones and tablet computers are in possession of the same computing power of PC`s that were manufactured in the last decade. With cutting-edge technology such as infrared and bluetooth now integrated in to mobile computers, the advances in traveling with a laptop are rapidly surpassing those of the pc.

The hand-held device now features a wide variety of units and can include video cameras, iPods,digital recorders or any handheld units.Mobiles may differ in the pc in the manner they operate. The mobile computer forensic field now shifts from hard drive recovery to electronic evidence discovery of handheld units.

The mobile operating systems and hardware standards may change more frequently as new advances are introduced. New versions might be introduced many times inside the product year, whereas software applications, might be revised annually or bi-annually. There are various platforms within the wireless computing arena which makes the task of the mobile computer forensic specialist even more challenging and also, there may be variations within each communication technology. There are several variations of the 802.11 which is the standard used by all wireless networks. Shorter range wireless communication requires the utilization of Bluetooth, while within even shorter ranges, communication is handled by the infrared light waves.

Mobile computer forensics doesn?t only involve mobile phones and the approach isn?t yet standardized due to the rapid advances and multiple operating platforms. The main reason for that situation is that many manufacturers are pushing different standards in hardware, interfaces, operating systems and protocols. Consequently, mobile forensics can?t be treated in the same way as static computer forensics, even though the concepts, may appear to become similar. The mobile forensic specialist job may rely less on technology and more on skills, procedures and problem-solving ability and also the approach can be different.

Perhaps the most important forensic element of the cell phone will be the Subscriber Identity Module card which is used to authenticate the user and verify the help. Alternatively, this information can be baked into the phone. Forensic information can also be obtainable in external Secure Digital cards that can be used by most mobile devices.

The mobile forensic field is primarily worried about the purchase of mobile phone data there are tools, both hardware and software. Another challenge for the mobile forensic specialist is to take care of the avalanche of alterations in the traveling with a laptop industry. Mobile forensic software may behind the curve with regard to the brand new mobile technologies and you should be aware of the equipment both forensic and non forensic you can use.

The brand new burgeoning field of mobile arena is sure to offer satisfying available opportunities and challenges for the mobile computer forensic specialist.

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