Tuesday, September 25, 2012

How to Quit Smoking Easily | F&B Food Blog

quit smoking

If you want to live and want to be beautiful and healthy in the Earth then you must have to Quit Smoking. Now-a-days a warning signal is written on Cigarette packet that ?Smoking cause serious Health Hazard? and some on some cigarette packet ?Smoking cause and Death?. After see the dangerous warring peoples smoke. Smoking is undoubtedly very harmful for Health. So, Quit Smoking. Be healthy by leaving smoking.

If you see that any food is in Expire date then you never eat the food but when you see the dangerous warning on the cigarette packet then why should you smoke?

If you want to know how to quit smoking easily then please read the full post carefully.

Disease for Smoking:

There are many fatal disease create and?attack human body for smoking. As consequence of smoking peoples face and attack by Lung Cancer, Heart became narrow, Increase vascular risk, Cause of Heart attack, Decrease sexual power, Irritation of eyes, Bronchitis, Asthma, Memory losses and so on.

Smoking is a Silent Killer:

Specialist and scientist said, ?Smoking is a silent killer. Smoking kills peoples slowly and many fatal and dangerous diseases attack human body?.

Smoking is also very dangerous to non-smoker who lives beside a smoker. About 17% women of USA are attack by various kind of cancer for smoking. Even if any pregnant women smoke continuously then her children will be affecting from smoking, the children may face Asthma, and Bronchitis after his/her birth.

So, all of smoker should Leave Smoking as soon as possible for your own health, fitness, for your child.

If you quit smoking then you will feel an extra ordinary feeling and sprit in your body and mind.

How to Leave Smoking:

To leave smoking, your decision and choose is enough, I think. Just think it, why smoking is important to you? Smoking cost you many money that can be help you to buy fruits for your better health. Think before of Smoking, smoking can kill you or attack you with dangerous disease. However, if you feel that it does not working then you can follow some strategy to leave smoking.

Simple Strategy to Leave Smoking:

Sometimes it is a big question to peoples that how to stop Smoking easily. To stop smoking easily please follow those Simple Strategy to Leave Smoking.

Firstly, think properly that why smoking is so important to you? And decide finally that you want to leave smoking because smoking causes Lung Cancer, Heart became narrow, Increase vascular risk, Cause of Heart attack, Decrease sexual power, Irritation of eyes, Bronchitis, Asthma, Memory losses and many dangerous fatal disease.

You can do Medications to leave smoking because it will help you to change and improve you mentality.

You should not leave smoking without any kind of therapy or alternative way of smoking.

If you leave taking Nicotine suddenly, ten you may feel some symptoms in your body and mind. So, you have to use alternative of Nicotine so that you will be fine without Nicotine.
The Gum, Chocolate, Lollipop, Betel can be used as alternative of Nicotine.

Do not leave smoking alone, leave it with your family member or friends or co-workers, because it will encourage you to leave smoking permanently. If you leave smoking once, never smoke again please. You can take some light massage for it.

Never take any kind of Alcoholic things or Beverage, try to pay attention in your own work. You can help or do home work so that you will be busy with something.

Try to join in Regular exercise so that your body and mind keep fresh and healthy.

Eat plenty of green vegetables, Fruits and Healthy Food.

If you leave smoking then your money will be save, and you may get financial solvency. You can take part in public welfare by leaving smoking.

Quit smoking for your near, dear and beloved persons, Leave smoking for your own life and health. Stop smoking and be Healthy All time and every moment.






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Source: http://fandbfood.com/how-to-quit-smoking-easily/

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