Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Acacia wood flooring reviews

Acacia wood flooring reviews need to be understood, especially where this material came from. Acacia grows in many tropical and subtropical regions, especially in Asia, Australia, Europe, Africa and America. This material is used for making paper, furniture, construction materials, and also to the floor. Excess acacia plant is its ability to compete with the crop of grass (Imperata cylindrica).

Another great feature of this plant is evergreen. Trees also can reach 30 meters high with branches reaching half of the total height. This plant has gray leather or chocolate that has the texture of coarse and wrinkled.

Acacia has a specific gravity of 0.75 so that the average pore and fiber tight enough so that small water absorption. Durability can reach 20 years of age if the wood is treated properly. Acacia wood can withstands bending over 1100 kg/cm2 and anticipate strong urge above 650 kg/cm2. Its wood shrinkage is also small, low-power breakdown and somewhat coarse-textured and straight-fiber blends to the process is pretty easy so widely used for construction materials, furniture and flooring.

When you use acacia wood as the floor of the house, you need to ask for a sample first. You also need to consult with a wood floor reseller. Wooden flooring is very beautiful.
You can also ask the two samples so that you can compare any characteristics, styles and colors.

To buy the acacia wood you try your local dealer or wholesale flooring online. Local dealers will provide comfort but they will give higher pricing. Prices were highest You will find when going to the home improvement store for all the options. Note also guarantee that they will give.

One thing you should not forget is when enhance your home that highlights not only the floor space you but the most important thing is to make it more conducive to people living more comfortable. Wood durability and elegance of your wood floor is an investment for your money.

Source: http://woodflooringz.blogspot.com/2012/09/acacia-wood-flooring-reviews.html

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